Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Truth is eternal movement forward, not a circle…

There are so many thoughts and ideas circulating, one could find themselves changing their mind and direction constantly. Though there are many suggestive proclamations and promises, there is only one truth. We as Believers, citizens and humans, must make a commitment to developing an eye, ear and heart for the truth. Some believe there are no absolutes. However, there must be one thing that remains constant; otherwise, we are all doomed to a cyclical pattern that amounts to meaningless actions. In other words, things just repeat themselves until they find their beginning again. I will be the first to admit that I enjoy starting things from the beginning, but not the same things again and again and again. But as I live, I continue to discover, that truth, once truly discovered is meaningfull, and stable and substantive. It seems to point toward a place far beyond a cyclical repetitive motion. It leads us somewhere. It takes us to a place within ourselves, and outside of ourselves that ebbs us toward things like patience, kindness, love, forgiveness, activism, change, etc. There are semblances of truth, and at times it seems easier to follow the semblances rather than being committed to the task of discovering the whole truth. The great deception of life is not often found in the outright lies or falsities of life, but rather in the things that have just enough truth to get you to believe it. It is when we believe it, that we begin to go astray. The quest for truth however, can be costly. It doesn’t hide, nor is it intentionally being evasive, but rather it is right upon us. To discover truth, one has to become vulnerable, make sacrifices, take risks to see if it pans out to be what it says it is. Who wants life with all that risk? Many would rather let others write about truth and just take their word for it and live life on the safe side. This is why many church goers simply accept what the teacher says, without confirming it as truth through further personal study and research. Consequently, when things go wrong in life, who do they blame??? The person they committed to follow! We must not be accepters only; we must be diligent searchers and doers of truth as well. While there is no guarantee, that once you begin to discover and develop discernment for truth, that life gets increasingly better for you; there is a guarantee that truth will lead you to freedom. Freedom is a place to live with your choices without regret. Truth takes you places you may not want to go before you get to the place it intends for us all. It lets you see pain so you can respect it, not fear it. It lets you experience losses so you can appreciate life not sorrow in it. It lets you see poverty so you’ll be moved to add to society, not take from it. Truth can be a temporary immobilizer. It will cause you to pause and ask the meaning of yours and other’s existence. Does life really matter anyway? Of course it does, but it matters because of a truth spoken years and years ago. That God created man in His image. God is Truth, hence we must conclude that life matters as we embrace the truth. I encourage you to develop your senses toward the truth, not the half lies, and hopefully as many of us as possible will arrive to that place of unity, respect, love, honor, significance and peace.

Love every man…